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The Fertile Seeds for a Healthy Future

Updated: May 24

I've been reflecting upon a post I read on the internet about 'the future is feminine' and while yes it is true that we all need to heal and balance our inner feminine, yes men too, and at the same time I also believe there's a whole wider view and perspective upon a healthy future we want to create for this planet, then to solely build it upon the feminine energy. The future, on my perspective, is a healthy union between the feminine and the masculine energy. First within and then without throughout the collective field of consciousness.

We still live in world where women feel unsafe. Where women put up a masculine shield in order to stay safe and be able to operate within this society, it's a coping mechanism to be in control, to keep us safe from distortion and manipulation we might have encountered in the past. What is currently happening within the field of the conscious collective is a resentment towards the masculine energy. This resentment comes from the unhealed parts and pain of our wounding we have encountered by men (and women) operating from a destructive masculine energy. There's a lot of rage and anger coming to the surface right now and I do believe that's a good thing and definitely needed in order to cleanse the wounds of the past. The fire of rage is needed to burn and transform the pain into love. To burn down the walls we have built around our hearts in order to protect ourselves from getting hurt. And yet we can't stay within this pain and rage forever. Underneath this layer of rage there's a whole lot of grief and we have to to face that grief in order to heal and grow into forgiveness, so we can come back into healthy union, into love, first within ourselves and then without into the collective field of consciousness. We can't build a future solely upon the feminine. We need healthy men beside us to build it with us. Side by side, not one above the other. We are the ones that can take the lead into healing our resentment towards the masculine energy, in order to grow into a healthy union. When I refer to the masculine energy, it is an energy that we all hold within, both male and female, no matter what your sexual preferences are, energy is energy.

The Yin and the Yang. Balance.

What I also notice now is a resentment by men towards their own healthy masculine energy. Because toxic masculinity has been ruling the world. And let's face it, young men in our society are also affected by that same toxic society. If we, as women, want men to rise in their healthy masculine strength, we will need to allow them to rise and take responsibility when we feel triggered by his rising. You feel me ? Stop blaming and bashing 'the masculine' to identify our pain and start facing our own pain and wounding, so we can HEAL & FORGIVE. A lot of men in our society don't know how to develop and operate from a healthy inner masculine, because they never had a healthy initiation into manhood. Just like we need healthy initiations in our society to grow into a healthy womanhood. We owe this to ourselves, we owe this to each other, we owe this to our children and we owe this to create a healthy future for our planet and humanity.

The seeds of our future need a healthy and fertile soil to grow strong and we can't do this without a healthy masculine energy and if we allow ourselves to feel safe and sink into trust, we can let men rise and take their place into this world next to us.

I am curious to know, does my vision resonate with you ? Do you feel triggered by my words in any way ? Feel free to share your thoughts with me if you like.

Shared with love,

Sharon Vinck, co-creator @ EarthKeeper Space

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Feb 24, 2023

I've felt ashamed at times for being a man. So many terrible things have been done and ate still being done by men to the world, to nature and to humankind - men and women. The abuse may have a masculine signature but imho is rather coming from a disconnectedness and an almost psychiatric crave for power and control, which like any addiction never can be satisfied. The lack of connection and love van be found anywhere: male, female, rich, poor, dumb and clever,.. some people are born with it others were hurt and have developed a malfunctioning coping mechanism. In the end only love can heal it if ever.n

Oct 16, 2023
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I totally agree. Love and forgiveness will heal us and the world we live upon. And the ability to feel a oneness with all and a connection with everything that's alive.

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