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Power to the Stinging Nettle

Updated: May 31, 2023

One of my favorite local plants here in the Netherlands is the stinging nettle.

It holds such deep strengthening and powerful medicine, I believe it is a greatly, underestimated plant who can use some more attention and love.

I’ve been working with the medicine of the stinging nettle, both in my personal life as in my work with clients for many years now.

As our bodies are greatly and strongly intertwined with the earth we live and walk upon, the amount of growth of certain plants within our close environment can tell us a lot about the state our bodies are in. (Think in energy & vibration)

Stinging nettles have the ability to regenerate acid soils and that is exactly what it does within our bodies. Certain foods, like cheese, meat, red wine, beer, refined sugars and processed foods can make our blood too acidy, resulting in joint and muscle pain, an overgrowth of unhealthy bacterias and an increase of infections. Too much acid in our blood, cells and tissues can even stimulate cancer cells to grow faster.

Stinging nettle has the ability to remove those acids from our tissues towards the bloodstream and be secreted by our kidneys without the loss of healthy minerals.

Stinging nettle plant contains vitamines: C, bètacaroteen, B1, B2, B5, choline, B9, E and K1 and minerals: Iron, silica, calcium, potassium salts, boron, solfer, .. and chlorofyl.

It also contains essential amino acids and enzymes which support our digestive system in breaking down our food into the necessary compounds for our body.

Because it has such a great ability to clean and clear the bloodstream it is extremely affective to use for skin infections or skin conditions like acne, rashes or eczema and psoriasis.

It is a strong tonicum because of the minerals and stimulates the growth of red blood cells (which also means more oxygen) when suffering from iron deficiency.

Even one cup of nettle tea, can lighten up a headache and make you feel less tired and more energetic throughout your day.

What’s there not to love about this incredible healing medicine ?

Within the last year I have been connecting and working even more deeply with this plant.

I’ve harvested the seeds of the wild female plants, dried them for a week and now I add a teaspoon daily in my breakfast.

Nettle seeds work as an adaptogen for the body, it means they regulate our nervous system, making us feel more calm when restless and giving us more strength and energy when tired or depleted.

I don’t use more than a teaspoon seeds a day, because it works very powerful, unless I want to stay up all night of course. Luckily for my health, those days are over :).

Last year’s summer, my love and I discovered, while spending time in the garden during sunset, how the plant pushes out a subtle stream of pollen, influencing the energy of its close environment, increasing the flow and stream of our own sexual energy, our life force and creative energy within.

Because of this reason, during this years summer holiday, I decided to sit and meditate with the plant to unlock more parts of it’s wisdom and medicine and I can’t wait to share more of what I have learned in another blog post. So stay tuned !

With Love,

Sharon Vinck

Co-creator @ EarthKeeper Space

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