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Avena Sativa (OATS) ~ Ancestral medicine

I have been passionate about natural and herbal medicine for many years now. In my early twenties I started my healing journey and followed courses on herbalism and holistic medicine and natural health. I was born with a highly sensitive nervous system, so I was introduced with herbs and natural medicine to strengthen and balance the nervous system from a very young age by my mom and it has never left my life ever since.

It is only since this year, when I turned 40, that the dreamseed of growing my own local medicine for the nervous system started to sprout and see the light off day.

The oldest known cultivated oats were found in caves in Switzerland from the Bronze Age, it's one of the oldest grains on Earth, even ancient Egyptian mummies ate oats and my Celtic ancestors were known to cultivate it to. It has been an important, nutritional, ancient grain for humans and their lifestock. Oats are known to be the highest grain in protein and has a high nutritional value, it even has the capacity to lower the cholesterol levels in our blood. It remains one of the main foods fed to high-class racehorses, because of it's power and high nutritional values.

Yet my goal, at least not this year, isn't to let the grain fully ripen to harvest the oats, but I am fascinated by their unripe, green milky stage and the powerful medicine it holds. Milky oats are the unripe oat seeds, harvested when they contain a white liquid that is high in vitamins and minerals. It does wonders for the nervous system. It has the ability to strengthen, calm down and relax people who are over stimulated by modern day society and provides comfort when the body holds stress, tension and anxiousness. It helps well for people who have trouble sleeping due to an overstimulated activity of the brain and supports those who are recovering from any addiction, like smoking, alcohol or drug abuse. It also stimulates a healthy libido ;).

I truly believe herbal medicine that supports the nervous system will become more and more important in the near future. The world and life on Earth is changing rapidly and I also believe children and their parents are becoming more and more sensitive to subtle energies. The way society is build isn't healthy for us humans, the speed in which it moves puts a lot of pressure on ourselves and our children. And yet I also believe we do not all need to live on a peaceful, quiet mountain top to live a happy and fulfilled life (you can if you want to), some people operate well and get excited by the creativity and buzz of a vibrant city life environment. It's all about balance and I believe the world and we need that healthy balance to thrive.

Although I gathered knowledge on herbal medicine in the last couple of years, growing it myself is a whole new experience for me. I planted my Oats in early spring, so I am hoping it will grow into it milky stage by midsummer and I will be able to harvest them and make a beautiful, strong tincture from the seeds. I am so looking forward to this.

Talk to you guys soon !

With Love,

Sharon, founder @ EarthKeeper Space

* Pictures from personal archive

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